My life and challenges.. Vinayana Khurana

My life .. there is nothing special about my life. I came from a regular family, mom.. Dad and my brother. Yes, you must be thinking why I am on the wheelchair. Because I have Cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a type of blocking In the part of the brain, which controls the motor ability of the body. Through my speech, you can understand the practical aspect of the condition known as Cerebral palsy. Yess I have 99 problems and cerebral palsy ain't one!!! Enough of the medical terminologies, we did meet a lot of doctor and they all said one that I would be ne2ver able to walk by myself. This would always shatter me from within. Walking, is the first thing that gives a child, the feeling of independence. I never had the chance to feel this independence. I would spare you all this and i must begin with my story. I was a very extrovert Kid from my Childhood, as every child I loved to play alot. As I was different from other kids, so I was never able to become a part of them . I remember myself sitting outside my house and looking at children playing games.. as a child I wanted to run, to play basket ball, yes you wanted to do everything.. but everybody labeled me HANDICAP. You can't do this.. you can't do that. Oh my God. This thing took time to sink in that I was different from other children. Sometimes, why had god given me this problem. If I have been normal, I would have helped my mom and dad in their work. These thoughts sometimes, couldn’t let sleep. I was different, this words fell like a knife into my ears.
When everything was falling apart, poetry kept me together.
It was the most difficult time for me. When I could not get up from my bed, due to severe back pain. This back pain was a result of working each day on my computer. You can not imagine how I used type, with my Nose.
When you are a child and you Know that you are different, it's a psychological depression. You have to understand that you can’t run, you can’t play. I was still a child when I decided that I grow up. If I can not the games, they are playing, I will invent my own games. I know from where this confidence came from,, my mom who understood my ”different” needs and my dad who never thought that I was different. I was in the middle, I did understood both of them but I believed in myself. Both of my parents were pillars of my life. Until I found my third pillar, my little brother. When he started to walk, I saw how he stood up on the floor. This gave me a new motivation. I don’t know how my brother understood my disability but reacted to me in the normal way. It was not difficult for him to understand me and my speech.
It is not always that you find people who understand your Disability. I find people who has the weirdest questions and reactions towards my disability. “ oh, poor girl, she is so beautiful but have this disability” “does she goes to school?” “does she understands what am I saying saying?” people still have this prejudices in their mind, that if someone is on a wheelchair, then they are no better than a vegetable. Yes, I am a vegetable, because I grow. I grow in my better self each and every day.
The real fight for me was the fight against the stereotypes of my society. Some of them were related to my wheelchair and some of them were related to my speech. Every time I would step out side, there would be someone who would always remind me of my disability. " Why is she walking this way?" "can she speak?" "I have a doctor, which can treat 'these kind of children' ". these kind of comments, has always broken me from the core of my heart. For the people who know and understand me, they get the point that I am different from them but as the same time I am just like them. I really wish that my society becomes inclusive in such as a way that this stereotype of disability can be broken down.
I think that the thing that drives me is perseverance and positive attitude. I always believe that whatever challenges that I face in my life has taught me to become a better person and a better artist to paint my life with beautiful colors.
vinayana khurana is pursuing  masters in English literature from Delhi university. She is a young women with Cerebral palsy but that is not her identity. She's a writer, a poet and a dancer. Writing is her passion, and she can be called as a writer without a pen.
She also written about the topic disability on various platforms like Youth ki Awaaz, Campus Vibes and Inclov. She also writes her views on various issues on her own blog, named vinayana's world. She also has a published book of poems by the same name. She has spoken on various national conferences, one of them was organized by CBM, who are working for an inclusive world. These conferences dealt with topics of inclusion and accessibility. She has also been in the radio show by all india radio, on disability and inclusion.


  1. Wonderful quick overview. It is good for some one who wishes to read it on the go. But I would suggest that you organize this into a bigger blog post and organize this further. Add some exciting events good and bad and also how you faught those particular situations. your post about dance was one such example.

  2. Very well written, Vinnie. Beautifully expressed


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