A Disabled Body

Yes, I have a disabled body and that is true. I can't eat, walk, talk like you. I have always believed that there's me beyond my disabilities. I guess I am wrong just totally wrong. Some older people that means alot to you just can't understand. They just can't understand that I also have heart . After all this time proving myself being strong and Abled has just gone into the drain .
I am a disabled body and I can't really do certain things you do. But I bet that the things I can do, you really can't do. Dude, please don't talk to me like that because I have emotions. I don't want to get myself treated because I am not Like you. God made me a specific way and I really love that. How hard is that for you to understand that .
I have achieved so much in this life and I am greatful but you can't just keep pointing at my weakness, it hurts.
Thankyou God for making me disabled body because I have emotions that you Don't.


  1. That's the spirit girl... Love love love it❤️❤️❤️

  2. Great meaning....
    We are with you...

  3. Yes....Every person has heart and emotions...


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