he sits there on a white chair,
looking about here and there,
be it in a warm & cozy sunlight,
or on a cold dark winter's night,

I love to wave as I walk past,
I turn back to see his smile last,
yes, with his age he is getting old,
but still those eyes looks very bold,

this is not a poem nor it is a prayer,
its for him who filled my heart's layer,
he looks as a man of a great honor,
it is shown as he sits there in a corner,

I like the way he talks to his grandchild,
I wonder how he taught him with mild,
looking at him I still miss my grandfather,
who had a heart just as him soft as a feather,

when he stands with support of his stick,
my heart leaps up to offer him hand quick,
but when his legs are able to make him straight,
then I hope his courage can always carry his weight,

his eyes are so bold it tells many stories untold,
some untold wishes or the sight of some gold,
in those tried old eyes there somewhere lies,
memories of some happiness and some cries,

his cute smile that puts dimples on his cheeks,
his soft voice that calls anyone who sneaks,
his dreamy eyes stares towards playing children,
I think memorize that ball towards which he ran,

this was a tribute to old age from my side,
values that they give reach far and so wide..........................................


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