A woman wants such a man

A woman wants such a man,
Who shall never make her cry,
If he ever did, he would cry with her,

A woman wants such a man,
Who will never leaves her side,
Even if she's impossible to live with,

A woman wants such a man,
Who will argue with her and let her win,
But quietly tells her about his own desires,

A woman wants such a man,
To whom she can tell her innermost desires ,
And have faith that he would Not let it out in public,

A woman wants such a man,
Who would take her in his arms,
And her sleep after a hectic day at the office,

A woman would always have  desires of a perfect life partner,
Because we teach our daughters to become perfect,
And neglect our sons, saying ye toh aisa hi hai...

It's time we find a perfect man for our perfect woman...


  1. I know... Some thing for happy relationship life...
    1.support = physical support + mental support + financial support
    2. security = like a body guard , etc
    3. Freedom and respect her
    4. protect her self esteem
    5. Listner
    6. compliments and recognition her work
    7. Understand her feelings and satisfaction
    8. Best friend + open minded
    9. True love
    10. communication
    11. To be a priority
    12. Understanding her belives and Ideas
    13. Time spending with her
    14.Take care of kids & Ethics
    15.seeing her like a part of my body..
    16. Honest , thruth ful, kindful and responsible
    17. make her peaceful and enthusiasm
    18.some sacrifices and selflessness
    19. little surprises and happy memories + sense of humour
    20. confidence to her and share her emotions
    21. Trusting Her
    22. don't do such things! which she don't like .
    23. never physically abuse her.
    24. Take care of her.


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