Depression and how I came over it
I had Cerebral palsy from my birth, but it didn't affected my health in anyway. Until, I was in 8th standard when my grandfather passed away. This incident of my life shook me to the core of my heart.
My health kept degrading day by day. I was not even able to walk to the bathroom , myself. At that time, I needed physical support of my mom, for my daily needs. My legs were in pain and I was suffering with my studies.
We visited many doctors but none of them could find out, why this pain persisted. My St. Mary's school helped me alot . It was the time when I was doing my exams from home. I used to mail my answers to my school teachers.
The main problem was psychological, I was drowning into depression. Depression is a word that we use normally now but it is quite dangerous. I was a chirpy girl, i used to talk alot but being at home you get to interact with a few people on a daily bases. There was a time when i used to wait for angels to take me heavenly abode. 2008 was a year of upheavel in my life. The pain of the body was greater than the pain of the soul.
Depression can suck you deeper into its claws. this phrase of my life was difficult for my psychological well being.
This was the time when I started writing poems on my andlne, and this gave me strength to fight against My illness from the whole new perspective. At first, I used talk about pain and suffering that I was going through. As I was away from my friends and I didn't know how to express myself. Poetry gave me a new passion towards my life
Today, people look at me and say , I have always seen you smiling, I bet that you never felt sadness . I just smile at them. This inner struggle is known by nobody until now...
Mental health awareness is important!!!
The agony of depression is very well put... I can empathise wid u.