Dependent and vulnerable- Women with Disabilities

During the evening,
Usually on the evening stroll,
I am on my wheelchair and a sweet music,
I used to venture alone,
Cutting through the darkness and breeze,
In my own Apartment,
It seemed safer to me,
Safer than any place can be,
I have been grown up here,
Old people and old stories,
Usually dip the moral down,
But our society is safe,
I thought so,
Where old people can live alone,
In the house of their own,
What else a safer place can be?
But I was told,
Not to travel Alone,
But I saw,
Most girls of my age,
Walking alone,
Without a fear,
Then why me?
They thought I was vulnerable,
Because I am on a wheelchair,
I can be an easy target,
So I stopped going out alone,
Because I began to fear,
Doubting every man passing,
But I couldn't live like this,
Acting like a prey,
I thought maybe,
I am vulnerable,
More than any women can be,
I couldn't run away,
From the dangerous man,
Maybe they are correct,
I am wrong,
That's what our society want,
Women with disabilities,
Marginalized like me,
To die in the fear of becoming a prey,
Maybe they are correct,
And maybe I am wrong,
But until when,
Until when,
We will curb down the Desires of our Sita,
For a potential Raavan....
And today,
I stepped out again,


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