What Is It To Be A Girl On A Social Networking Site?
Today, everything and everyone has an account on Facebook and Twitter. Everyone uploads their daily updates on social sites such as Facebook. As a girl, who loves uploading her pictures for her own small community of friends, I find it irritating when I get messages from unknown people. “ Hi Cutie” , “Hi Hottie”, “Can we friends?”, These are some daily messages that I get.
This has became the most casual way of meeting people. A guy sees a random girl, in the market, he knows that he wouldn’t get her number, so, he would ask for her facebook id instead or else go back home, stalk her and then send her friend request. I am not saying that girls doesn’t do this, but guys do it more often.
I fail to understand why the guys of our country are so desperate for making “girls” their friends on a social networking site. I know that I as a writer, inspire a lot of people, I inspire people with disabilities and many more but that doesn’t mean that I would get messages, daily. The people who read my writings must understand that I have a public and a private life.
When a girl makes an account on a social networking site, she doesn’t have in mind that she would love to meet strangers. She rather wants to be in her own circle of friends and family. No matter how much she replies to a online guy, he would always stay an online friend for her. The layers of an online friend is more stronger than the layers of a friendzone, there is no way you can get out of it.
Online dating or online love, is another thing which I fail to comprehend. How can you fall in love with just an online profile?, this may be my fake profile, or I may be an alien or a detective. How can some guy message me saying “ I love you, be mine”. I am seriously telling, when I received this message, I literary bust out laughing. How can you fall in love with a girl, you never met. Is this word ‘love’ so small for you guys? I don’t think so, but this is the idea we get.
I seriously feel that online account should be just a part of life, not the whole life itself. Some people need to understand this philosophy of this modern life of social networking.
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