Raped, shamed .. Still the women gets the blame...

They instincts rape,
Bad eyes
Lustful hand
and dirty minds
Don't blame them,
They are just men,
Men are just men,
This justifies everything,
Don't go out in the dark,
They will robe us,
Steal the honor,
Kept in the vagina,
They sneer at us,
Follow us,
Beat us,
Rape us,
World will look at us,
Point at clothes,
At the time on the clock,
The way we walked,
With the strangers we talked,
They will question woman,
Why were you raped?
Why were you out late?
But what about that 5 years old girl,
What about that 60 years old woman,
What about months old baby girl,
There's something wrong,
Wrong altogether,
Women gets questioned
Women gets raped...
Women gets blamed..
Incredible India!!!


  1. All blame goes to dress, timing and if both are okay...well the girl!


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