They say "You're strong"

Whenever I walk down the street,
On my own.. without support,
They say You're strong,
Whenever I go out with my mother for shopping,
They say, You're strong,
I have to sit on a wheelchair because I can't walk long,
And they say, You're Strong,,
I really wish someone would understand,
A person on a wheelchair is strong enough,
To deal with their problems,
I wish people understand,
A person who is looking good from outside,
Could be struggling a lot from inside,
We can't see their depression, their anxiety, their condition,
Somewhere, someone must have Ridicule them,
What happened to you?? You seem completely fine,
It is that person to need that reassuring talk,
It is that person, who needs "you're strong",
It's a weird world that we live in,
We give advices to people who don't need,
But don't say anything to those people who need it...


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