From the pile of letters #2

Dear preeti

Where have you gone?? I did tried to find you. I asked your neighbors too, they don't have any clue about your family. You just left me a single letter, without the address. I couldn't find you.. I was waiting for you to tell your parents about us, and then I received this letter.. I love you so I don't really know why are you gone.. leaving everything behind.. You did even take that dress I gave you.. yes, I did went to your empty house.. there wasn't a lock , so went in.. I was confused about what I saw there.. half cooked rice, left over beans and the stove was still hot.. i realize that you and your family did leave in haste.. i was to dig some further information.. when a few villagers caught me searching your stuff.. They tried to beat me Up but I ran.. away.. you did talk about our marriage but I don't see that happening now....
I can't keep on finding out your whereabouts, if I don't receive a letter from you in the next few weeks. I won't hesitate to go to the police and find out where are you.. I was your lover but first I'm a police officer and I Could find you even if you are on some other planet.....

Love Sanjay
*Next letter Tomorrow


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