
Showing posts from July, 2018

The Long Walk

Pulling up myself up the floor, I was 14.. when I learned to walk, Walking without support was a family dream, That I didn't thought could ever come true, I sat there.. wondering how could people walk.. without falling back?, I sat here.. there.. Everywhere because I couldn't walk, I used to believe that walking was a gift .. that God forgot to shower on me, So.. I learned to compensate... Compensate the lack of walking, As walking was an unachievable goal, For someone with 60% disability, To the sense of listening and observing, When a kid first learn to walk.. He wants to discover something new, So did I when you learn to observe, I observed how people treated me, Some with love and some with ignorance, I realize people see me differently, I realize that they don't see my thought process, They just see the physical me, Pulling up myself up the floor, I was 14.. when I learned to walk, I could then just see walls, Walls that I could hold on, To move ...

Don't have a picture

The best moments in life, Don't have a picture, The worst moments in life, Don't have a picture, It is still there lingering in your mind, Still making a thousand pictures.. from a single negetive, That picture is often motionless.. that gives you happiness or pain, There is always a picture that is in our mind, That is the only picture that stay with us as long as we live, It can't be broken or damaged, that is the best part and worst too, And when you are alone in a room.. with dim lights, These are the pictures that takes over all your memories, You imagine these pictures.. as long as you could, You really don't remember the details of when he walked away, Or do you? You really don't remember when we first met, Or do you? Some moments are like these pictures in our life, Difficult to Retain But Hard to Forget.....

They say "You're strong"

Whenever I walk down the street, On my own.. without support, They say You're strong, Whenever I go out with my mother for shopping, They say, You're strong, I have to sit on a wheelchair because I can't walk long, And they say, You're Strong,, I really wish someone would understand, A person on a wheelchair is strong enough, To deal with their problems, I wish people understand, A person who is looking good from outside, Could be struggling a lot from inside, We can't see their depression, their anxiety, their condition, Somewhere, someone must have Ridicule them, What happened to you?? You seem completely fine, It is that person to need that reassuring talk, It is that person, who needs "you're strong", It's a weird world that we live in, We give advices to people who don't need, But don't say anything to those people who need it...


I met someone, Strangely unknown, I began the conversation, He began the story, I felt like, His story was novel, I began to give face, To each of the character, I began to question him, Why did you leave that job?, What did you earn? What did your family say? I kept imagining, The details of his house, The details of his classroom friends, For me everything came alive, He was enjoying his memories, I was enjoying my imagination, He was a book to me, I was turning page by page, Mysteries of his life, Became discoveries for me, I was diving in the story, Twist and turns, Interested me, As the end came near, I wanted to flip the pages, And see how things end, Curiosity was burning, He decided to speak slowly, I wanted him to end fast, He wanted to talk more, I flipped the pages of the story, It was The End for Sure, I was happy, He was sad, Finally I closed the book, As I kept it back on the library shelf, That book said, "Take Me Home".....

Show me the way

I am off on a road, Without maps or any board, I have to create my way, Never trodden by anyone, The road must be long, High or deep, I mustn't forget my way, Or take a wrong turn, I must not defy those, Who believed me for so long, I mustn't take away the faith, My loved ones had on me, But I must be a proof, To someone who didn't believed in me, Who said I was a worthless woman, To them... I must show, That I have come a long way, I have come a long way, I am not weak anymore, Like I used to be, I am lioness, Forging ahead, To achieve my victory.....


Madhu: Hi Neha, how are you doing? Neha: I am fine, Madhu, wats up? Madhu: (busy in texting) Good, Good... Neha: Why are you constantly texting? We are meeting after a long time... Madhu: it is just that Harry cares a lot about me, so I need to keep him updated.. Neha: Awww, this is so cute, caring?? Wow.... Madhu: Yeah .. he loves me alot. ( Madhu's phone rings ) (On the phone) Madhu: Yeah.. yeah.. I am online.. (Hung up) Neha: isn't he too intruding? Madhu : No No.. he just loves me so much .. Neha: I know that but he must be knowing that you are out with your best friend, after so long.... Madhu: Yeah.. Yeah... He knows that.. but he says that we should stay connected always... Neha: so.. now.. since you have completed your graduation, what's the plan now, are you looking for internships?? Madhu: No no... Harry says that they make the interns work like hell . He says that I won't be able to cope up.. Neha: So.. What are you planning to do now?? Madh...

That Unrequited Love

Love, Is beautiful, When reciprocated, When they feel, The same way, You do, But what if This don't happen, What to do, If they don't love, As you love them, Move on~?? Hahaha, They said, Move on, You will try first, You will lose the second, You will try again, Abandoned hopes again, Because, Forgetting gives you more pain, Then love ever did, And you just fall in love .. Again., They said, Don't love the person who don't love you, This cycle of unrequited love, Is dangerous, But How will we learn to burn the fire, Until we burn in it, Here, I want to point, did nature ever discriminate, Did ever sun not dawn, At a particular place, Because people said it was too hot, Did moon ever, Refused to shine, Because we stopped loving it, Did this ever Happened?? Then how can a heart throw away all the feelings, When other person don't reciprocate, Nature haven't taught us that.....😍

From the pile of Letters #Finale

Dear Sanjay, I knew everything from the start, i knew that You were a wrong guy for me. It wasn't my parents who took me away from you. It was me, everything was planned by me. Did you think that I could marry you without checking your love for me.. then what would happen to me after marriage?? I am sure that after taking dowry from my parents.. you would Have left me.. that's what you keep on doing ... Me and my family knew everything from before hand... Because me and my family are working for the police department, to handle the cases of dowry . I know that this is how you emotionally and psychologically brain wash the young woman of the rural area and then demand a lot of dowry. You didn't cared if I was physically challenged.. you just wanted the money. You have Been doing this to all the poor families , who don't have enough to eat. You are just a ruthless thief, who not just steal the money but love and faith too.  My love isn't so weak. To fall for someone ...

From the Pile of Letters #8

Dear preeti I'm so happy that I passed the test of your parents, I am so happy that we would be meeting after a long while.. Preeti, I am so happy about that but the reality is that after ell these exchange of our letters.. I have realized that I don't really love you and this is the sad truth.. I have loved my parents and your money the most... I have been writing I love you... I love you.. since the beginning... But those were really emotion less.. I had planned everything in my mind.. that I will marry you, take the money.. and settle abroad leaving everything here ... But you .. you are a very clever women, you know that this conversation could also happen on phone .. but no.. you wanted me to write and write because you know that writing is hard for someone who is guilty of doing wrong.. You could leave me without these letters , I would have been happy .. these letters Shivered me to my consciousness and I kept on thinking that how could i do this to a girl who has loved...

From the pile of letters #7

Dear Sanjay, I didn't ever wanted to test your love for me.. but my parents didn't leave me a choice. Yes, went away because I told them about you and all that is happening between us from so many months.. the last time when we were together.. my dad saw us and that's why they decided to take me away. I told them that I loved you and want to marry you, they told me that I was a fool, and Sanjay is after our money. I said that I didn't believed them . It was then they planned out this strategy.  They said that they are just testing your love. It was them who told me to write letters to you, to test how much you love me... They have been reading our letters .. they have been trying to pursue me that you are not in love with me!! But I know that they're wrong.. they have always been wrong, I shouldn't have believed them. I really love you, do you know I can't sleep at night because the only place where I can sleep is your arms. I know that you really loved me!...

From the pile of letters #6

To Preeti First and foremost, i am tired. Writing a letter each day… and then waiting for your reply. Like you, I have a life too.. I have job and my family.. and we are not so rich like you used to be. I need to work everyday to earn money for my family.. yes, it is sad that you have lost all your money. Now I can't be with you.. because I have never loved you.. to say the truth. I wanted your half in the property... this is the truth of our are right, no body can love a girl like you.. you are just a handicap girl for me, who have a lot of money but now you don't have that too.. that's a really sad part.. I know that you wanted to listen these words from me... But you are wrong.. I am not that guy who will love you for the money you have.. now I can understand everything about why you left.. your parents must have told you to test my genuine nature... But they are wrong... They are wrong about me, as they always are.. preeti, I love you Not for your money bu...

From the pile of letters #5

Dear Sanjay I want you to understand that we could never be the same again. You don't seem to be happy about my progress in life. I was telling you about joining college and achieving something good in life but you are least concern about that.. i know that you love me and i love too.. but my parents also paid for my education.. they expect me to do something in life.. i dont want to remain caged in these shackles of marriage. I really want to work for myself.. earn money for the family. Why do you want to marry me now? We are not prosperous now.. we have left everything in the village.. we don't have any money now.. but I have dreams ...I dream of completing my college and have a job.. we can't buy what we dream from our money.. all we need to do is hard work. I don't think that you would now want to marry me after knowing that we are poor.. otherwise who can love, a girl like me!! And I know that your family didn't liked me, you know why.. but just tell them tha...

From the pile of letters #4

Dear Preeti When I did received your letter, I didn't know what to do or say to you. This is now the biggest mystery of my life, to discover why did you left this place and me... Your family had the largest house in the whole town. Your family was the most influential family of this town. I am really shocked to discover that your family left the town. I loved you, i was going to ask your hand in marriage but you left too soon. I am happy that you started with your college. You will attain your Degree now. I happy for that, but I would be more delighted if you could be with me forever. Why are you scared about if someone opens this letter or not?? What is it to be scared about if we are going to be married soon? I am now in doubt, something is really wrong... i really doubt,  because everything is seemed so dreamlike. You're going away and these letters are So confusing. Something is really not right because it is not your usual style of telling me things.. I have known you...

From the pile of letters #3

Dear Sanjay, I know that you love me but I cannot keep on thinking and believing that one day, we will be together. Now, I have applied for a degree in college here.. I am studying english, like I always wanted to.. my parents had allow me, because there's still not enough dowry for my marriage.. I am glad about that, I am happy with my life here, it feels more safe here.. in these mountains Covered with Snow. I do want to tell you why we left.. Why I didn't meet you, why I didn't get to tell you.. but I am in fear, what if someone opens it, and read this letter. Then it would be horrible.. really horrible.. my life could be at stake.. And I know that you don't want that..... I just want to tell you that I am safe here.. and I am thinking about you.. I don't know if I still love you or not.. but I still care about you.. I want you to just shift from where you are living, to somewhere safe.. And take all your belongings. Just go, please leave.. I don't want yo...

From the pile of letters #2

Dear preeti Where have you gone?? I did tried to find you. I asked your neighbors too, they don't have any clue about your family. You just left me a single letter, without the address. I couldn't find you.. I was waiting for you to tell your parents about us, and then I received this letter.. I love you so I don't really know why are you gone.. leaving everything behind.. You did even take that dress I gave you.. yes, I did went to your empty house.. there wasn't a lock , so went in.. I was confused about what I saw there.. half cooked rice, left over beans and the stove was still hot.. i realize that you and your family did leave in haste.. i was to dig some further information.. when a few villagers caught me searching your stuff.. They tried to beat me Up but I ran.. away.. you did talk about our marriage but I don't see that happening now.... I can't keep on finding out your whereabouts, if I don't receive a letter from you in the next few weeks. I w...

From the pile of letters.#1

Dear Sanjay, I know that I left off in a rush, and I didn't get a chance to goodbye. My parents made this decision of changing cities in a haste. I had to take my decision in a hurry. wanted to meet you, like we always did under the mango tree. I don't know if I will ever be back from this new town. If I will meet you again.. if we could Get married with the permission of our parents. I am still 22, and there's some time to think about my marriage. Before that, I want to be independent and have a secure job, I want to fulfill each wish of my parents before I get married to you. I have dreams, Sanjay... I have dreams.. I don't really want to get married soon. For society, the girl's marriage is everything, and they can't think beyond it.  I love you, Sanjay but I love myself even more. I am running away, sanjay .. I am running away without you.. because I want to create something of myself.. Love , Preeti.. PS. Don't try to find me, you won't reach a...

The Wrong-Right Path

Mom- Hi Sam Sam- Hi mom Mom- how are you? Sam- I'm better Mom- how is your treatment going ?? Sam- it's good, I think that I would be fine soon. Mom- That's great.. Sam: how's dad?? Is he still angry with me??.. Mom: yeah.. I think so.. we had a lot of expectations from you.. if I had came to know about it Before I would have stopped you... Son- I am sorry Mom... It was all because of my stupid friends.... Mom: Dont blame them.. you cold have said No... Son: I did mom.. I really did... Mom: And they drugged you.. without your permission??? Why did you go to that party?? Son: I am Sorry Mom.. I just wanted to experiment... Mom: Life is not an experiment.. life has to be handled seriously.. Son: Yes, Mom.. I got it.. after staying away.. in the rehabilitation center.. Mom: I am glad you did... people who stay away from their goal... Always find a better goal.. somewhere... Son: yes mom... Now I can focus on my passion for painting.. Mom: I am sure that ...

He looked at me

Everything was good, Ours eyes met, I wasn't om the wheelchair, He winked, I winked, He smiled, I smiled, And Then he said ' HI', I was dumb, How could I talk?, I know my speech, Would do everything wrong, I kept on smiling, He thought I was dumb, It wasn't enough, He asked where are you from~? I was quite, I didn't wanted to speak, I didn't want to reveal, My speech impairment, I thought about his thoughts, Judgements, Prejudices, About my disability, I could have walked away, But I knew my limping legs, I knew how strangely I walked, I made up my mind, To say a hi, To that handsome guy, And everything changed, For the Better, I judged myself coldly, And then, He replied a 'Hii"..... .

The Boyfriend

BF: hey, Baby GF: Hey, Baby BF: I'm missing you, baby GF: Awww, I miss you too. BF: How are you doing, Baby. GF: I'm good, you tell me, Baby. BF: I'm little upset today... GF:  Why?? Baby . What happened??? BF: Nothing Baby...Leave that... It's going to be one month to us... GF: Awww.. Baby.. you remember!! How sweet.. You are the best Boyfriend ever... BF: ,No.. baby.. you are the Best Girlfriend Ever... GF: aaww... How should we celebrate this occasion?? Candle light... Dinner .. You and me... So Romantic....😍 BF: I'll book us a room too😍 GF: A room ??? For what?? BF: Baby.. it's our first month anniversary!!! So... I just thought.... GF: what did you think~? BF: I thought that we should have some fun on our anniversary... GF: And this is the definition of Fun, for you?? BF: No.. Baby, WE will have fun.... GF: I Don't want to.... BF: it would a different kind of experience for us.... Baby please..... GF: no..No...

Listen to me..

Stop! Just listen to me, I don't babble, I speak words, Just listen to me, If you have time, You could not understand At first, Please don't judge, I am fine, Just because I use a wheelchair, Dont just stereotype, Listen to me, I have words And emotions, Don't judge me, On the babble, Just stop, Listen and understand, What I want to communicate....

Getting High

Wine, Beer, Vodka, And Other things of getting High, People love it, People want it, People have it, Maybe a high, In a sip, A smoke, A joint, But I am not them, Who find high, In the golden bottle, Of your poison, Is it just for a high? If it's... But what fun, Loosing your senses, Loosing your ideas, Loosing personality, What fun? Loosing yourself, For getting a high, Good music, My playlist, Good friends, That's, My kind of High , Then I'll be High on life.....