The First Straw

"Kanika, Kanika we are getting late, please dress up fast." Said Mom.
"Help me with the Zipper, please, mom" Said Kanika
"Coming.. coming" said Mom
Mom helped Kanika with her dress. As soon as Kanika got ready, she wore her shoes with Velcro tape and she was ready to go. Her parents drop her to the office of her first job.
Kanika had Cerebral Palsy and that has hindered some of her bodily movement but her brain development was quite normal. As Kanika reached her office, she realized that the lift is not working. She had to be lifted on her motorized wheelchair because the office was on the second floor.
At last,. When Kanika reached her office, she saw that there were no such accommodation has been done to suit her accessibility. The desk was too high for her, tha laptop was too big and there wasn't any accessible bathroom. Yet, the company thought her they have done enough to hire her as an employee. As the days went by, work pressure started pouring in. Kanika was determined to show her Capabilities but she was tired being lifted as an object each and every day. How could she work in such an environment, where she has to face difficulties at each step.
Kanika did thought about quitting this job and finding a new one but finding jobs are not easy these days. Kanika, thought about a way to revolutionize her colleagues about her disability, capability and thought process in her own way.
Kanika brought two packets of straws to the office. She placed it near the coffee machine. When everybody got up for the tea break, they found the packet of straws. When Kanika came for the break, she said "Our ways of doing things might be different but our aim is same. I might want some facilities, that you might think is extra but I want it because I want equality not anything extra. That's why I need a straw to drink my coffee and you can drink without it. The straws here are a symbol of equality."
From then, the lift was repaired, the bathroom was accommodatied and the packet of straws was never empty. Kanika didn't have to leave the Job.


  1. Very nice Vinayana 👌
    I love your presence of mind and the way you articulate a situation. More to go!
    Stay blessed 😊❤️


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