Choose Your Drink
(Rohan meets sanjay after a long time)
Rohan: Hey, Buddy.. how are you doing?
Sanjay: I am good, you tell hows everything.. after school... Long time..
Rohan: yeah Buddy.. Long time.. what are you up to these days?~
Sanjay: Nothing yaar.. I am just working with my Dad.. busy life!! You tell....
Rohan: My dad just keep earning and I just keep spending.. LOL..
Sanjay: Good for you.. that is the perks of being born in a Rich house..
Rohan: yeah yeah So true..Lets have lunch and it is on me..
Sanjay: Okay
{ At the restaurant)
Rohan: what would you like to drink????
Sanjay: I'll have a Coke...
Rohan: Hahaha.. who has a Coke~?? Order a Beer.. We are adults..
Sanjay: But I don't like the taste.. yukk.. I will have a Coke
Rohan: Be a man.. order your drink...
Sanjay: I don't drink....
Rohan: But .. you will have to today... For me and our friendship...
Sanjay: I don't drink.. please don't force..
Rohan: nothing will happen by a glass of Beer..
Sanjay: I don't want to Drink..
Rohan: Just sip up the Beer.. nothing will happen... Just for our friendship...
Sanjay: Go to hell... With your friendship.. I can't afford this lunch and our friendship...
*Sanjay walks away*
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