Never Let Your Passion Fade
Shots... Clicks I loved it all,
Poses.. Flicks I wanted all,
I had a good camera eye,
Beautiful things loved eyes on mine,
My hands would shake when I hold it for a click,
I can't click pictures this thought made me sick,
I never thought that my situation would change,
I always thought about an accessible camera if someone could arrange,
Every nice scenery would haunt me day and night,
If I ever could click pictures with my sight,
One day I opened my phone camera and set the timer,
And it changed my life into something beautiful and finer,
All this while the gadget that was hand was something I have been looking for,
I can show the world the beauty that I have dreamed for,
Never let your passion die.. this is what I say..
Because, you have to just dream and God will make a Way.....
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