When my disability is my ability
I tried, yes I tried, not to talk about disability in my blog. As my close friends and family told that I am more abled than anyone else. I realized this fact and diverted my mind to other topics.
I wrote about various issues that matter to me and everyone around. I brainstormed and researched about topics that were common. The problem with common topics is that everything about it is already written. I thought I should have a perspective on everything.
I was writing well, they said. Somewhere I felt that something was missing. I did introspect but I didn't get what was wrong with me.
Today I was reading my old articles and something just clicked inside me. I was ignoring the call from a long while.
I was born a writer, I had this creativity in my blood. My mom is a writer too. God made me specially abled because of a specific reason. He wanted me to take this mission that a disabled child can have a ocean in her mind. If disability hasn't left me, how can I leave my disability.
Everyone should understand that whenever I write about my disability. It is not because I am sad, i am not sad. I am a writer activist, and I am working towards an inclusive world.
Disability, is my field of specialization and nobody can Experience this in my way.
I am proud of my disability!!😊
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