And they met again


She: I'm leaving, I'll block you, stop messaging me
He: No, I know that you won't do that because you love me too
She: I'm not in love with you, do you get that?
He: You won't have come online at this time, then
She: I had to, because you would have hurt yourself
He: Why do you care if you don't love me?
She: Because I don't want someone to die because of me, it would become a police case.
He: I will die, if you leave
She: Then.. please die.., I'm not responsible, I don't love you
He: I'll die and leave a death note to your name
She: Do as you please, I don't love you

She blocked him.

After three months..

She got the same message from other profile

Cyber Bullying is a crime.


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