She has been walking though the mountain from quite sometime now. A bag not too large but enough to keep all her belongings safe. Amy was her name in the past but now she was free. She saw a restaurant down the lane and thought to feed her stomach. She sat on the table and the first thing she does was to take out her Diary. The Diary was all she had now that she could call her own, A faithful friend and she began to write. Amy was beautiful and smart but yet she doesn't believed in conventions. “ I had a home in the past, but now I couldn't call it my own.. ” as soon as she wrote these lines a young guy asked her if he could sit with her. She agreed, and the next question that guy asked her was her name, she replied my name is Emma. She wasn't wearing the type of clothes a woman should wear, she had some baggy pants on with a manly t-shirt and her hair completely undone. Emma started telling that guy a story which was new and had a happy family, everything was perfect in Emma's story. That guy name Jack was impressed by the personality she carried and offered her to come home with him, since she said that she got use for few days. It happened from then that the young couple started spending most of the time together, their nights and days were spend in their talked about their past, their relationships and their love. In the hearts and hearts of Jack, he was already in love with Emma. This Utopia ended in mere two day when jack woke up in the morning to find that Emma was gone.

Jack looked for her in the cafe, boathouse, lake and other places they both went during their two day stroll. She was nowhere, Jack thought he had lost her, just then he was going down the market, he found that there was an unusual crowd on the road. People were talking about a man who had been murdered in the most cruel way. His neck was entangled by a mere rope but the hand who did it were been so strong that the fiber of the rope had been found the neck by the police. That shocking news spread like a fire in the whole town. It was found that a woman named Emma hadn't been seen from the last few days. The police searched for her all over the town and  a team was appointed to look into the matter more deeply. there were no clues at all that could be a lead to the murder, they could find no motive at all. after few months the police closed the case and Jack too thought about her for few days and then forgot her like a dream.

But where was she? Is she really gone or lost? Is she the murder?  These question are yet unsolved by the police. Meanwhile, her name was again changed to Tina in a new town somewhere among the hills of unknown country. Now Tina had a new story to tell, she was now a daughter of a rich  man, who has been supplying money for her education. She had now befriended a girl of her own age named Maria. They both became sisters and started sharing their 'secret' to each other, but Tina has her own thought process which she dared not tell to anyone. As Tina and Maria started talking ,Maria's family now start treating Tina as there own daughter, she also called Maria's mother as mom. she loved that house and its members.

Tina's feelings started changing she now much more than just a pretend. She started feeling she had never lived this life before, the life of peace. For the first Time she really had a friend.  Even now maybe her revenge was still larger than her feeling. To get back the strength she reminded herself why she need to do this why the revenge was important. . Why  there wasn't left a single piece of soul in the innocent girl. She remembered the last time she was a teenage, she was dressing up for the school when she heard voices downstairs,  voices of her mother and father begging forgiveness but sound of the gunshot muted her parents forever. She had a tear in her which wiped from the back of her hand. She didn't know who they were .. she didn't even know why they killed her parents but all she knew was revenge. 

Yes, she was taken to the orphanage after her parents died. There the violent side of the sixteen year old girl was clearly visible to the
Nuns of the orphanage. They did tried to control her and make her 'good girl' like the governess of obedient type but she was different. She never liked that type of restrictive life.. she wanted to be free. So she ran away. The walls of the orphanage couldn't ensure safety to her. She tried to work for money in the domestic households, offices, banks, doing the menial jobs. She was abused many times verbally, financially, even sexually.. but she never gave up. She was never A typical woman who can woo people, she was someone by whom people might be little scared off.

Just then , Tina was shook by Maria and she came back from the memories of her past to reality. Maria was her first'real' friend she ever had. She wanted to embrace Maria and never let her go. Tina never felt love never felt possessive because she never had someone she could call her own. Now Tina had Maria and she was lost.
She wasn't lost when her parents died for then she had an aim. An aim of having brutal attitude. An attitude to kill whoever tries to molest her or hurt her because it was all that she ever known. .because maybe her parents were wrong that's why they were killed, or maybe they were right and the killer was wrong.. in both ways it was she who suffered. She lost now because she now has someone to take care of. A sisterhood to look back and because of this she lost her motive. . Her carefree attitude was no longer her personality now. She wanted to be alive for Maria, her true friend..

An investigation officer was assigned to study the case of murder in the town. Mr. Brown were appointed to handle her case. Mr.brown was a very senior officer and a vast experience of 22  years. He started his investigation from a very preliminary level. Mr. brown first met the eye witnesses who saw her living in the town and they gave an exact description  of the girl that the police were finding her dressing style was unique that's why people remembered her even now. At last., police got the lead to where she maybe gone. Jack was the person, police interrogated and they tried to find out the type of girl Emma was.

Meanwhile at Maria's house Tina was now planning to get lost once more. Her bags was again packed and she wanted go away but she would't go from her without destroying another life. She started to look for another victim of her rage, but as soon as she was finding her victim she realized that she would't be able to Maria again if she left this place.she wouldn't be able to see Maria and her family again. this is for the first time she reflected upon the massacre she has done because her own self interest just because she felt jealous by looking at the people who had beautiful families while she had none. she could not bear with the fact that she have to now run again killing one of Maria's family member who have given her feeling like they were there own family. She then decided to ask Maria if she could live with her forever because she never had a family of her own she told Maria the truth about her and her life.

Just then, a couple of police officers entered Maria's house and arrested Tina for many murders she had attempted in the past 7 years. she was sentenced for the life imprisonment for the chain of murders she had done for the past two years. Even now, Maria goes to the jail to meet the girl once a month. That girl is 18 now and studying in the jail school. If she ever comes out she would work for the living not hunt for the living. Her real name is not yet known.


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