
Showing posts from February, 2015


Today's India has the 2nd highest population in the world and "we are proud of it" the another popular hobby of indians is Cricket! ! . This game has it roots in british empire and as most of our habits this is also adopted by us.. cricket as today it has become the true symbol of patriotism. . People who dont like watching cricket are in today's time not believed as a 'true' worshipers of India .. even in name 'the god of cricket' the religion comes in which even more binds the country in to one... so it was just my thoughts upon the game of cricket that's loved by every person in India. ....
hello I am Vinayana and this is my very first blog. my life in short is beautiful with my faithful friend cerebral palsy. i know none would be interested in my life, so i will talk about you. "you" who are unknown to me but i know you. everybody in this world are tried, tried to do something they are made to do, the problem in today world is compulsion.. compulsion to do things that you have started may it be your studies, your work or may it be as small as  to finish the food we have eaten. this show how we have been made to work like a machine. day by day every day the same work the same monotonous life. a day will come when our mind shall open to the world around us and feel nothing. we have become so used to following the crowd that we cannot think out of the box, because to feel we need to open our eyes to what all have been happening around us. i hope the day comes soon because the world want us, world want youth to hold the baton for the whole world. #myfirstpost #...